Sustainable Development Leadership Challenge Fall 2024

Make the world better with the power of youth.

Sustainable Development Leadership Challenge aimes at motivating young talents to join the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) mission.

Sustainable Development Leadership Challenge is a prestigious competition aimed at fostering innovative thinking and leadership skills among high school and college students. This competition challenges young innovators to devise solutions addressing critical topics in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), artificial intelligence, advanced computing, and climate change. The winning paper will have the opportunity to be published in our academic journal, and the authors will present their solutions at Harvard University during the distinguished summit.

Even if you are unable to attend the summit at Harvard in person, your work can still be published in our journal if being selected.

The competition is open to:

  • High school students

  • Undergraduate students

  • Graduate students

  • All professionals

Important Dates:

2024.10.15: Deadline of registration and submission

Register at the end of this page.

2024.10.19: Announcement of Finalists

2024.10.24: Submission of the final paper

2024.10.26: Presentation at Harvard

The First Round

2024.10.15: Deadline of submission

Participants must submit a paper based on their own research and investigation. For the first round, the paper should be approximately 10 pages long. However, this is not a strict requirement, and small modifications will be allowed before the final round.

Paper format must follow AIS latex template.

Evaluation Criteria: Judges will assess submissions based on the novelty of the ideas, the rigor of the research, and their relevance to the theme. Additionally, the educational background of participants will be taken into consideration to ensure a fair and comprehensive evaluation.

The Final Round

2024.10.19: Announcement of Finalists

2024.10.24: Deadline of submission of the final version of papers along with a PowerPoint presentation

2024.10.26: Presentation at Harvard

Finalists must present their papers during the summit at Harvard University in front of the judges to win the prize. Awards will be issued after presentation.

Selected papers will be published on AI and Sustainability (AIS).

Youth & Executive Leadership Immersion Week

Finalists have the opportunity to join us for a transformative 1-week experience at Harvard University (subject to a fee):

  • Attend classes and interact with Harvard students.

  • One-on-one sessions with Harvard professors.

  • Networking opportunities with Boston government officials and industry leaders.

  • Exclusive access to our sustainability conference at Harvard, including a private dinner with distinguished speakers.

  • Massachusetts campus trips like MIT, Harvard, etc.

  • Explore cutting-edge labs and innovative companies through guided tours and exclusive visits.

“It's a life-changing experience for me. Participating in SDLC has opened doors that I never imagined possible. I've had the opportunity to speak with professors and industry leaders, gaining insights and perspectives that are simply not accessible in my home country. This experience has profoundly inspired me to contribute actively to global environmental solutions. I'm grateful for this platform and the invaluable connections it has enabled me to make.”

— Participant in the Cambridge Sustainability Leadership Challenge


Partner Agencies:

Cambridge Global Connect:

3 Laundress Lane, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom CB2 1SD