
The U.S.-Asia Sustainable Development Foundation proudly hosts a series of forums aimed at strengthening ties and fostering collaboration between the United States and Asia. These forums, encompassing youth, academic, business, and policy-making spheres, are designed to address critical issues, share knowledge, and create pathways for sustainable development and mutual understanding.

U.S.-Asia Youth Forum:

  • Purpose: Engage and empower young leaders from the US and Asia to discuss contemporary social and environmental challenges, and explore solutions.

  • Activities: Panel discussions, workshops, cultural events, and networking sessions, focusing on topics like climate change, innovation, and cross-cultural communication.

  • Impact: Encourage youth activism and leadership, fostering a new generation of change-makers committed to collaborative global problem-solving.

U.S.-Asia Academic Forum:

  • Purpose: Provide a platform for academics and researchers from both countries to exchange ideas, research findings, and explore collaborative academic ventures.

  • Activities: Joint research projects, academic conferences, guest lectures, and symposiums on topics like sustainable technologies, public policy, and environmental sciences.

  • Impact: Strengthen academic ties and promote joint research initiatives that contribute to global knowledge and sustainable practices.

U.S.-Asia Business Forum:

  • Purpose: Connect business leaders, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to discuss market trends, sustainable business practices, and opportunities for bilateral trade and investment.

  • Activities: Business roundtables, trade expos, innovation showcases, and networking events focusing on sectors like renewable energy, technology, and green finance.

  • Impact: Foster business collaboration and sustainable economic development, encouraging eco-friendly practices and innovations in various industries.

U.S.-Asia Policymakers Forum:

  • Purpose: Bring together policymakers, diplomats, and government officials to discuss policy issues, bilateral relations, and collaborative strategies for addressing global challenges.

  • Activities: Policy dialogues, roundtable discussions, joint working groups, focusing on areas like climate policy, trade agreements, and international cooperation.

  • Impact: Influence policy decisions, enhance diplomatic relations, and create frameworks for collaborative action on issues of mutual and global concern.

Overall Vision:

The suite of forums organized by the U.S.-Asia Sustainable Development Foundation represents a comprehensive approach to fostering dialogue and cooperation between the United States and Asia across various domains. By bringing together diverse groups – from youth to policymakers – these forums aim to build bridges, encourage mutual understanding, and promote collaborative efforts in tackling some of the world's most pressing challenges. The Foundation envisions these forums not only as platforms for discussion but as catalysts for ongoing engagement, partnerships, and actionable change that benefit both nations and the global community.